Returns & Refund Policy

Welcome to Africfood! We are committed to providing you with a delightful dining experience, whether you’re enjoying our meals at our restaurant or in the comfort of your home. Your satisfaction is our top priority. This Return and Refund Policy outlines the terms and conditions for returning and refunding online orders.

General Policy

  1. Eligibility for Refunds and Returns

    • Due to the perishable nature of our products, we are unable to accept returns for cooked food once it has been delivered.
    • If there is an issue with your order, such as incorrect items, missing items, or food quality concerns, please contact us immediately so we can address and resolve the issue.
  2. How to Request a Refund

    • To request a refund, please contact our customer service team within 24 hours of receiving your order.
    • Provide your order number, details of the issue, and any relevant photos.
    • Our team will review your request and respond as quickly as possible.
  3. Refund Method

    • All refunds will be processed on the same card as the original transaction.
    • Refunds may take up to 5-10 business days to appear on your account, depending on your bank or card issuer.
  4. UK Legal Compliance

    • Our return and refund policy complies with UK legal requirements for online food orders.
    • In accordance with UK consumer law, you have the right to a refund if the goods you received are faulty, not as described, or do not meet satisfactory quality.
  5. Special Circumstances

    • In cases of severe dissatisfaction due to food quality or safety concerns, we may offer a replacement meal or a refund at our discretion.
    • Please retain the food in question, as we may need to collect it for quality assurance purposes.
  6. Contact Us

    • For any questions or to initiate a refund request, please contact us at [customer service email] or call us at [customer service phone number].
    • Our customer service team is available [customer service hours] to assist you with any concerns.

Thank you for choosing Africfood. We appreciate your business and are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with every order. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

42 Hills Road

Phone: 01223676803
Phone: 01223676804